We call this bomb bomb chicken. Adjust the spice level by adjusting the sambal. Perfect for a hot summer day: Cool cucumbers with chilled chicken are topped...
This colorful 7-layer salad has made numerous appearances at our family gatherings over the years. My Nana has no shortage of delicious recipes from appetizers...
Toasted bread and colorful fresh veggies are tossed with a light dressing in this Italian salad. Of course, you can add or take away ingredients to your...
This recipe uses three kinds of fresh berries and your choice of mixed salad greens, all tossed together with grilled chicken and a special honey mustard...
This recipe uses three kinds of fresh berries and your choice of mixed salad greens, all tossed together with grilled chicken and a special honey mustard...
The delicate, sweet persimmon flesh pairs well with creamy burrata in this super simple caprese salad. Drizzled with a balsamic glaze and embellished with...
This is by far the best summer salad I have ever made! You can adjust the amount of spice, depending on your preference by adding more or less jalapeno...
My favorite chicken salad of all times. This is one you must try if you are a fan of chicken salads. Use white wine Worcestershire, if you can find it....
A sweet, but healthy chicken salad. The sweet secret is dried cranberries. Awesome on homemade bread or on crackers. I spread cream cheese on the bread...
A sweet, but healthy chicken salad. The sweet secret is dried cranberries. Awesome on homemade bread or on crackers. I spread cream cheese on the bread...
This salad combines crisp chicory with slices of oven-roasted acorn squash. A kiss of maple syrup draws out the natural sweetness of the squash. An aromatic...
A sweet, but healthy chicken salad. The sweet secret is dried cranberries. Awesome on homemade bread or on crackers. I spread cream cheese on the bread...
This is very similar to a salad at a popular restaurant near my house. I loved it there and decided to make it at home. It's one of my favorite salads...
This is very similar to a salad at a popular restaurant near my house. I loved it there and decided to make it at home. It's one of my favorite salads...
A quick and easy fruit and curry chicken salad. . . Other items may be added as desired, e.g., raisins, pineapple, coconut, nuts of your choice, green...
This healthy salad was adapted from one I ate at California Pizza Kitchen. The lime juice intensified by the jicama draws out the flavor of the vegetables,...
Juicy, warm chicken breasts baked in a crunchy pecan and garlic flavored coating sit on a bed of crisp romaine lettuce. Dried cranberries and mandarin...
This healthy salad was adapted from one I ate at California Pizza Kitchen. The lime juice intensified by the jicama draws out the flavor of the vegetables,...
This is a tasty dinner salad, topped with tender slices of pistachio encrusted chicken. To save time, buy pistachios with the shells already removed. If...
A quick and easy fruit and curry chicken salad. . . Other items may be added as desired, e.g., raisins, pineapple, coconut, nuts of your choice, green...
A quick and easy fruit and curry chicken salad. . . Other items may be added as desired, e.g., raisins, pineapple, coconut, nuts of your choice, green...
A quick and easy fruit and curry chicken salad. . . Other items may be added as desired, e.g., raisins, pineapple, coconut, nuts of your choice, green...
A quick and easy fruit and curry chicken salad. . . Other items may be added as desired, e.g., raisins, pineapple, coconut, nuts of your choice, green...